- It is the policy of Greenville Technical College (GTC) that all students, 员工, and visitors are entitled to learn, 生活, 在保险箱里工作, 健康的, and comfortable environment free of tobacco smoke and its well-documented impact. Tobacco use has proven negative effects for people in such an environment. This policy and procedure is applicable on all campuses and facilities owned by GTC.
- McAlister Square is exempt from this policy.
- Tobacco use is prohibited in all defined locations/areas at all times. Tobacco products are defined as any product made of tobacco including but not limited to cigarettes, 雪茄, 小雪茄, 管道, 比迪烟, all chewing tobacco products, and electronic cigarettes, 雪茄, 或相关产品. Smoking is defined as burning or other use of any of the above-listed products.
- Defined locations/areas:
4.1. This policy is applicable to all college-owned or leased buildings at the following campuses/locations:
4.1.1. 巴顿校园
4.1.2. Brashier校园
4.1.3. 格里尔的校园
4.1.4. 西北校园
4.1.5. 招生 and Registration Center (ARC)
4.1.6. McKinney Automotive Center
4.1.7. SCTAC
4.1.8. 巴克·米克尔中心
4.1.9. 米其林的建筑
4.1.10. All future owned or leased properties.
4.2. At each location, this policy applies but is not limited to areas such as:
4.2.1. 办公室, 教室, 实验室, 会议室, 卫生间, 游说团体, 休息室, 自助餐厅, 走廊, 楼梯间, 电梯, 建筑入口, 等.
4.2.2. balconies, decks, patios, and outside stairways to buildings and outdoor passageways to entrances;
4.2.3. buildings on land for use by the college;
4.2.4. 所有大学车辆;
4.2.5. 人行道上, 停车场, 体育场馆, common areas and any and all land for use by the college, including “green spaces.”
- GTC will designate limited smoking areas in remote parking areas at some locations, remove all ashtrays and butt containers, and post “Tobacco-Free” and no smoking signs throughout all areas.
- The sale or distribution of any tobacco products (as defined above) are prohibited at all locations. This includes any clubs or organizations supported or endorsed by GTC.
- GTC organizations are prohibited from accepting money or gifts from tobacco companies or from distributing free, reduced price or fully priced products, including any promotional products.
- Any tobacco advertising to include posters, 传单, 电子媒体, 或者其他形式, is prohibited on GTC campus locations or leased properties as well as any future GTC leased or owned properties. Future advertisements and publications for recruitment and employment will note “Greenville Technical College is a tobacco-free institution.”
- This policy will be available and distributed to all students and 员工 and referenced in appropriate publications such as handbooks, 目录, 和手册.
- GTC will make tobacco cessation program information and other resources available for any student or employee interested in personal tobacco cessation.
- All 员工 should encourage compliance whenever possible. The GTC Department of Public Safety has sole authority to fine individuals for violations of this policy. 适用罚款:
11.1. 第一次进攻——25美元.00
11.2. 第二次进攻——50美元.00
11.3. Employees of the college who are determined to be in violation of this procedure are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the SBTCE 8-5-100.1 disciplinary procedure.